Oscar winner JENNIFER HUDSON has repaid singer/songwriter NE-YO for helping pen songs on her debut album, by recording a duet with the R+B hunk for his next release. The hot couple recently teamed up in the studio to work on the DREAMGIRLS star's debut, and she's so impressed with his efforts so far, Hudson has agreed to record a duet with her new pal. Ne-Yo tells MTV News, "We did a duet together and it came out very hot. The name of the song is called LEAVIN' TONIGHT and... it's one of those songs where I am clearly being out-sang and I know it. "But, because it is Jennifer Hudson and she has such an amazing voice, it's just an honour to be on the track with her. "The bigness of her voice and the regularity of my voice, the contrast between the two is like night and day and it makes perfect sense."